How can I add secondary images to a listing?
We strongly recommend that you upload more than one image for each artwork on display. These images could represent different angles, a zoom in of your primary image (cover image) or contextual images of your artwork. These options provide additional details for users that could shift the balance in their decision to purchase your art.
To add secondary images to a listing, you need to:
Go to your " Arto Galleria Pro " artist profile.

Click on the " Artworks " tab in the left-hand menu.

Select the artwork you wish to add an images to.
Go to the “ Gallery ” section.
To add images, select “ Add an Image ” or “ Add a Contextual Image ”.
Click on “ Save ”.

You have successfully added secondary images to accompany your cover image.
To add secondary images to a listing, you need to:
Go to your " Arto Galleria Pro " artist profile.

Click on the " Artworks " tab in the left-hand menu.

Select the artwork you wish to add an images to.
Go to the “ Gallery ” section.
To add images, select “ Add an Image ” or “ Add a Contextual Image ”.
Click on “ Save ”.

You have successfully added secondary images to accompany your cover image.
Updated on: 23/09/2021
Thank you!