Why doesn’t my artwork appear on my gallery?
Why doesn’t my artwork appear on my gallery?
Here are the possible reasons why your uploaded artwork isn’t shown on your vitrual gallery:
You have uploaded the informations about your artwork, but you have yet to submit it for review. Click “Submit for Review” at the bottom of the page once all of your data has been saved.
The artwork is still under review. Once your artwork has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation.
Your web browser may have cached the sales page. This can easily be fixed by holding down the “ Shift ” key on your keyboard while clicking on the “ Refresh ” button on your browser.
Give us some time. If a day has passed since you have submitted your artwork for review and it still doesn’t appear on your sales page, send us a quick email and we will take a look at what the holdup may be. (artists@artogalleria.com)

Updated on: 09/08/2021
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