What languages are used on Arto Galleria?
What languages are used on Arto Galleria? In order to be as international as possible, Arto Galleria offers its platform in both English and French. Unfortunately, no other option is currently offered. We suggest using browser translating tools (ex.: Google Translate) if you want to translate our pages in the language of your choice.Few readersWhy am I not receiving emails?
Why am I not receiving emails? Our emails may sometimes fall into your Spam or Junk Email folder or into the Other Messages folder. Before reaching out to us, make sure that this did not happen. After this is done, please add us to the list of approved email addresses to facilitate future communications: info@artogalleria.com. You will then be guaranteed to receive all of our emails regarding, amongst others: order confirmations and cancellations, requests for customized artwork by customFew readersHow do I select the region, currency and units of measure?
How do I select the region, currency and units of measure? To select your location, simply go to the bottom of the home page on the right hand corner and select the country/region of your choice. You can also choose the preferred currency (CAD or USD) and measuring system (metric or Imperial). Then press: " Update "Few readers